Ok, before to ikigai.
Sometimes it’s best not question why you’re feeling this why, but instead experience all of the emotions change may bring. Change can be a beautiful or scary process.
And what makes you the most depressed, when you have tried your best but failed.
It’s ok, you have to keep growing, learning, outgrowing, outlearning, and doing everything that feels right for you.
Was never in the plan, but neither was all this change you didn’t expect to grow into the strong person you are today, but here you are, you’re not giving up, you’re not changing your mind, you’ve simply outgrown who you used to be and that means that your goals and plans are shifting just a much.
Now, I’ve found the meaning of life “ikigai” even from the small things. When I met my students in school, when I teaching their then everything near with children and education. I didn,t know it’s always make me happy and forgot all the things that make me sad or bad.
Is like find a new spirit to live life again. Yeah I think it’s ikigai.
“Ikigai is the Japanese term for pleasure and meaning in life. The word literally includes “iki” to live and “gai” reason”
“Ikigai adalah istilah jepang untuk kesenagan hidup da makna hidup. Kata itu secara harfiah meliputi “iki” untuk hidup dan “gai” alasan”
The five pillars of ikigai :
Start with small things
Free yourself
Harmony and continuity
The joy of the little things
Present at the present time and place
These pillars will support the foundation that allows ikigai to continue to thrive. Each of these pillars will come back with a deeper and new meaning.